Jungle Ultra 2015 Race Report - Stage Three

The last runner has completed stage 3 and our team in Peru have taken up their Satellite phones again to bring us a flavour of what has been another difficult stage...

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Jungle 2015 and Race Reports


The last runner has completed stage 3 and our team in Peru have taken up their Satellite phones again to bring us a flavour of what has been another difficult stage.

Though a relatively shorter day at 30km, it’s been a slow day for many of the runners.  Taking in a lot of logging roads, this stage leaves them out in the open for periods spent exposed to the sunshine and running on tough terrain which makes maintaining a rhythm seriously difficult.  Each runner’s ability to manage their hydration levels has been exceptionally important.  The conditions have led to 2 runners not completing this stage but both are safe and well now at the camp at the end of Stage 3 with the rest of their fellow runners who, aside from some ‘manky’ feet and sore muscles are all safely recuperating ready for tomorrow’s challenges.

Again internet issues have plagued our attempts to keep the race times and positions updated but the team have found a little signal and are working on updates for us now.  Fingers crossed, we’ll have some facts and figures for you all soon.

Much more successful has been our GPS Tracking system.  At all times our runners are required to carry a tracker, the signal from which is monitored both at Base Camp in Peru and here in BTU HQ in the UK.  Besides the occasional glitch, unsurprising given the mountainous terrain and heavy canopy, the trackers have helped the team in Peru to keep tabs on the competitors and have helped friends and family in the UK to follow the action.  They showed their worth earlier today as a runner pulled up near CP2 suffering from dehydration.  Quickly alerted to the issue, our excellent medical team were able to administer treatment immediately and made the runner comfortable ready for our UK and Peruvian monitors to guide in a team to ferry and 4×4 the competitor safely to camp.

In other news, we still have 7 local competitors running alongside our group.  Some are carrying equipment donated by last year’s runners, who’ll no doubt be glad to hear that their gifts are being put to suitable use.  These incredible, indomitable athletes are also being monitored and taken care of by their adopted team and are so far logging some very good times as they travel lightly carrying a mix of donated and home-made, improvised ultra-running equipment.  One of the quicker local runners has been passing time each evening sewing his trainers together ready for the next stage.

As the evening closes in in Peru our competitors are resting ahead of Stage 4; The Lull.  Though it is, again, a relatively short stage at 36km, it is also the toughest test yet.  A gruelling combination of primary rainforest with severe inclines and declines that will push our competitors to their limits and beyond.

Here in the UK we will be monitoring every step of the way to bring you all closer to the race.  We hope you’ll join us again tomorrow as we support this amazing group as they take on the adventure of a lifetime.

About the Author

Will Roberts

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Jungle 2015